Improve Your Traffic Safety Using Roadway Lights

The main purpose of road lighting is to offer increased visibility to all the users of the roads and related public facilities such as schools, churches, government offices and other such facilities. A LED roadway light is just an integrated lighting which makes use of light emitting diode (LED) bulbs as its lighting source. In this light, a group of tiny LEDs are arranged in a wafer-like pattern which is then suspended by plastic threads from a small metal clip. When these lights are turned on, they spread a bright light on the road.

How I Improved My Improve Your Traffic Safety Using Roadway Lights

roadway light

In fact, this technology has now been applied in various other forms like motion detectors which are used at airports and toll booths to detect vehicles, and in police radar guns to keep track of speeders. These are only a few applications of this technology that make the invention of this piece of street lights equipment a boon to the public safety sector. One major problem with these earlier systems is the limited number of LED bulbs that could be lit at one go. This led to frequent resetting of the lamps which led to a great reduction in efficiency. Hence, the invention of this brilliant invention made public street lighting a much safer affair for all concerned.

The latest addition to the types of street lighting available today is the HID, or high-pressure sodium, lamps. It is said that the first sodium lamps were invented back in the 1930s but it was not until the end of World War II that they saw major commercial success. Sodium lamps are very reliable and also have a long life span. In fact, they can last up to two decades if they are properly maintained.